By-Laws & Grievance Procedure
By-Laws of the Indiana Graduate Workers Coalition
Read the full By-Laws.
Grievance Procedure of the Indiana Graduate Workers Coalition
Read the full Grievance Procedure here.
IGWC Retaliation Report
This form is for IGWC members to report retaliation activities enacted by Indiana University departments or the administration so that these activities can be consolidated for the appropriate committees to properly address.
External Grievance Report Form
The IGWC was created as a platform to represent graduate workers at Indiana University to the University administration. The IGWC is intended to serve as a space where graduate workers can negotiate with the administration for better pay, benefits, and working conditions. Once the IGWC is officially recognized, bargaining negotiations can begin to take place.
This form is meant to serve as a collection of reports across departments for graduate workers represented by the IGWC to provide concerns, issues, and specific material needs they would like to see represented within those bargaining conversations, and of which our platform represents.
Reporting Incidents Within IGWC
The IGWC is dedicated to forming a harassment-free space for everyone, regardless of gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, or religion. We do not tolerate harassment of members in any form. This includes harassment in physical and digital spaces.
This form is intended to help all members work to repair and move forward from any harms that occur between members of IGWC. Members of the Grievance Committee will serve as listeners and facilitate the next steps that seem most helpful to committee members and reporters together.